What to Know Before Getting a Tattoo?
If you are preparing to get your first tattoo, it is vital to prepare your skin for the best results. Your skincare before and after your tattoo appointment can have a significant effect on the healing process and the quality of the tattoo itself. Follow these simple tips to get the best results:
Having well-moisturized skin not only makes it easier for the tattoo artist to apply the ink, but also makes your skin more resilient to the harm caused by tattooing. It is best to avoid switching to a new moisturizer in the lead up to your appointment, and we always recommend using water-based moisturizers as they allow the tattoo to breathe. For the same reason, don’t use a moisturizer on the day of the appointment itself.

Any sweat, bacteria, dead skin cells, or other material on your skin can be pushed under your skin by the tattoo needle, which can increase the chance of an adverse reaction from your skin.
Keeping your body well-hydrated keeps your skin in better condition, which will make the tattooing experience more comfortable. It also helps your tattoo to heal afterward.
Shaving the area that you are about to have tattooed makes it easier to get a clean and consistent tattoo application. Be careful to avoid any cuts or nicks while shaving, as these will need to heal completely before you can safely get a tattoo. You also need to avoid razor bumps and ingrown hairs, so shaving should not be done too long before the appointment.
Don’t wax the area you want to be tattooed before your tattoo appointment, as waxing leaves open hair follicles on your skin that can reduce the precision of your tattoo.
As we’ve already mentioned, getting a tattoo can be tiring. Getting a good night’s sleep before your appointment will help you to manage discomfort and also prevents you from getting faint or passing out during the tattoo. If you are feeling faint or unwell due to tiredness, your tattoo artist may decide to stop tattooing you until you recover.
Besides the steps already listed, it might be a good idea to bring some entertainment with you. Getting a tattoo can take hours, and some music or a show to watch on your phone can help both pass the time and distract you from any discomfort. Breaking out into a fit of laughter can make you harder to tattoo though, so your favorite comedy may not be the best choice.
What Should You Not Do Before Getting a Tattoo?
If you are nervous about getting your first tattoo, you might be tempted to apply a numbing cream to the area before you go. This might have an adverse effect on your skin and the absorption of ink depending on the cream you use, so always consult your tattoo artist about this before doing anything.

Eating a good meal before showing up for your tattoo is always a good idea. Even if you are feeling nervous and don’t have much of an appetite, it is vital to eat a healthy meal that gives your body plenty of energy. Getting a tattoo can be very fatiguing, and it is not uncommon for people who show up with an empty stomach to pass out during their tattoo. Being hungry also makes it harder to handle any discomfort.
If you are getting a large piece that will take a long session, bringing some non-messy snacks can help keep your energy up. Foods that provide a lot of energy are a great idea, such as chocolate, to keep you going through a longer session.
There are many reasons not to drink before you get a tattoo. Firstly, it impairs your judgment. Your tattoo artist doesn’t want to give you a piece you will regret later, and many will refuse to tattoo someone they believe is intoxicated.
Alcohol also makes your blood thinner, which can result in a less vivid and precise tattoo. Besides alcohol, other drugs can also thin your blood, such as aspirin tablets. Taking blood-thinning drugs before a tattoo can make your blood wash out the ink your artist is putting in. This makes your tattoo look more faded and blurry. It can also make the tattoo process longer and more uncomfortable.
Sunburn makes your skin drier and tougher, and also makes the tattooing process much more painful. Sunburnt skin is also more prone to peeling, which can affect the final appearance of your tattoo as it heals. If you have gotten sunburnt before your tattoo appointment, talk to your tattoo artist so they can assess how bad your sunburn is and whether they recommend going ahead with the tattoo or rescheduling.
Tight clothing can irritate your sensitive skin after getting a tattoo. Constrictive clothing can be abrasive to the sensitive skin of your fresh tattoo. Try to avoid wearing tight clothing both at your tattoo appointment and for at least 3 or 4 days afterward.
Instead choose soft, breathable fabrics that will allow the air to reach your skin without rubbing or applying pressure.
Steps Not To Forget
The most important part of finding the right artist is deciding on the tattoo style you want and making sure your artist is great at working in that style. This is especially true if you want a completely custom piece as you will need to trust their creative decisions. Look at their previous work, and talk to them about the styles they are comfortable with and your tattoo design. The more detail you can give your artist about the elements you want to include in your tattoo, the better, as this helps ensure you and your artist are on the same page.
Getting a tattoo starts with a free tattoo consultation with one of our Booking Managers, who will guide you through each step of the process and answer any questions you may have.
Supplying them with reference images for the design you want, as well as photos of the placement on your body, will help ensure you get the right artist and a more accurate estimate for how long the tattoo will take. During this consultation, you will be able to schedule your appointment.
Once your tattoo artist has finalized your tattoo design digitally, they need to fit the stencil to the shape of your body and make some final adjustments to give it the best appearance. Tattoos will look different on the contours of your body than they do on paper, so it is normal for this final design to look a little different from the original version.